Titan After Earth Wiki

The Gianni Military Research Outpost was a human carrier vessel. At the time of humanity's first encounter with the Drej, it was stationed 122 light years from Earth (and 44 light years from the Andali Nebula, the site of the Kronos Research Outpost).


Somewhere between 3020 and 3022, the outpost was conducting military maneuvers with its complement of Spitfires using holographic targets. One unit Spitfire was working on the Kinau Maneuver when a Drej ship appeared in the range of vision of a pilot and Airman Hastings. Not knowing that the humans were targeting simulations, the Drej assumed it was the target and attacked the Spitfire. The result confrontation caused the Spitfire to defend itself forcing the Drej ship to disappear.

Sometime later, the Drej contacted the outpost claiming that its pilot was attacked unprovoked. The general of the outpost seeing a potential diplomatic situation brought the pilot and airman involved in the incident, wanting to reprimand them for their behavior. Both pilots maintained that they did nothing wrong as they did not fire first.

Whilst the general was interrogating his men on confirmation of whether the Drej attack first, he failed to noticed a formation of Drej Stingers approaching the outpost from his window. He died in the explosion when the Drej bombard a section of the facilities.

The outpost personnel scrambled to mount a defense, leaving Colonel Aronson to take command of the situation.