Titan After Earth Wiki
Akrennian Beetle Sushimi

Akrennian Beetle Sushimi or as humans called it ET meatballs was a human/nonhuman delighted concocted by Cook at the commissary of Tau-14.[1]

Cook invented the dish after he found some protein-laden grubs eating one of his shipments. Instead of killing the critters, he bred them for his latest dish.

It was a spaghetti derivative dish with green moving noodles, mixed in with live Akrennian Beetles and a sauce made from Caldroch droppings. Due to Cook preferring his meals rare, it was one of his more interesting dishes at times.

In 3043, it was the last meat Cale Tucker had on Tau-14, before he left with Joseph Korso to escape the pursuing Drej.
